Cloning the Problem Set


1. You should already have Eclipse set up and have the Git shell installed. If you haven’t done those things, see the Getting Started guide in the Stellar materials section.


2. We’ve already created a git repo for you. Clone it by typing in the terminal

git clone<USERNAME>_pset<NUMBER>

Your username is your kerberos, but your password is not your kerberos password. Remember that token you made while creating your MIT github account? That’s your password, so copy and paste it in. If you forgot to save it, you can delete it and generate another at If you don’t have a repository, email


Importing the Problem Set into Eclipse


  1. After getting your repository, add the project to Eclipse so you can work on it. Note that the Getting Started guide has setup you must perform before using Eclipse in 6.178.
    1. First, in Eclipse, go to File → Import... → Git → Projects from Git.
    2. On the “Select Repository Source” page, select “Existing local repository”.
    3. On “Select a Git Repository”, click “Add...”, and “Browse...” to the directory of
    4. The “Search Results” list should show your clone with “.git” at the end. Select it.
    5. On “Select a wizard” for importing, choose “Import existing projects”.
    6. Finally, on “Import projects”, make sure pset1 is checked, and click “Finish”.
  2. If you successfully completed step 4, you’re done! If git support didn’t work in Eclipse for you, you can import without telling Eclipse that your project is a Git repository:
    1. Go to File → Import... → General → Existing Projects into Workspace
    2. Choose “Select root directory” and “Browse...” to the directory containing your project (it will be the directory containing the src directory and a hidden .project file)
    3. Make sure the project is checked, make sure “Copy projects into workspace” is not checked, and click “Finish”.